
time stretches long like a beach in the morning when we get up early to meet what God would show— endless wonders in our path, intricacies of the nautilus, eight-armed creatures that walk when made to swim, shells that stick strong enough to rock to withstand powerful tides, signs of fire, symbols of love wondersContinue reading “Sunrise”

On Silent Retreat

With its air of confidence, simplicity confounds untrained senses, a body numb with over-stimulus— unused to being until a good night’s sleep and an early walk through treed grounds marked with stations of the cross—places to kneel—remedy what is weary and a ransacked heart comes to release burdens it didn’t know it carried—but that silenceContinue reading “On Silent Retreat”

Hard to explain, but

I need to live in the woods with creatures immersed in a habitat full of texture and complexity, to be understood, individually. there’s something soulful and compelling about finding a quiet place in nature; something here that cannot be found in any other way or place; something that speaks of things that are eternal, evenContinue reading “Hard to explain, but”